It’s was a week of counting down days, after I told my five-year-old son, Alexander, that he could come along for a day of fishing on one of our charters. The day finally arrived and I went to his room at 4 am to wake him up. What was usually a tedious task all of a sudden became the easiest one in the world. One call of his name and he was awake and immediately asked me if we’re going fishing. No moans or groans about getting up early that day!
After a short drive we arrived at the Oceana Power Boat Club and met up with our clients that were joining us for the trip. Everyone was excited about the day of fishing that lay ahead and for the evening’s braai. After an uneventful launch we reached Whale Rock and spread our backlines out and started trolling as there are no birds out to show us where the fish were. Have you ever had that one friend that always seems to get the bite and always catches the fish? And, what’s more, that friend is usually right next to you, in the same hole, with the same bait!
Well, Alexander is one of those people who is gifted with a fairytale-like magic force that attracts fish to his line.