
New Year’s Resolutions

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New Year’s Resolutions

Everyone has New Year’s resolutions of their own, whether they declare them publicly on Facebook or keep it to themselves so that no one would be the wiser if they don’t keep it.

Very few of us ever keep those promises, primarily because it’s the same boring and nearly impossible list of eating healthier, exercising more, drinking less and so forth. Perhaps we’ll fare better with a list that consists mainly of promises to have more fun. Give ours a try!

Use your boat! First and foremost, use your boat more often – at least once or twice a month. In buying a boat you made an investment and you need to make the most of it. Perhaps fuel prices are a bit steep to be on the water every weekend but make a vow to take your boat out at least once a month – weather permitting, and perhaps twice a month during these beautiful summer months.

More family time. One of the main reasons many boaters purchased their boats was to spend time with family and friends. Your boat is the perfect platform to make time for your family and to spend time doing something you all love. Make a pledge to organise weekends and trips aboard your boat to reinforce the bond among your family members and to share the sheer joy of being together and having fun on the water.

Broaden your horizons. Plan to venture to pastures new! There are so many brilliant boating destinations in South Africa but most boaters somehow always end up going to the same old spot; a change of scenery will do you the world of good! If you’re unsure about spreading your wings on your own and exploring new territory, join your nearest powerboat club or get advice from the Leisure Boating team and readers via our Facebook page for advice on where the best spots are along our spectacular coast or inland destinations:…


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