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Leisure Boating spent an afternoon at SANCCOB to find out more about their wonderful conservation work.

Q: When was SANCCOB first established?

A: SANCCOB was established in 1968.

Q: What does the acronym SANCCOB stand for?

A: SANCCOB stands for the Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds.

Q: What are the primary aims of SANCCOB?

A: SANCCOB’s mission is to conserve and protect Southern Africa’s seabirds, especially African penguins and other endangered species, for the benefit of present and future generations. SANCCOB activities include:
• Sea- and coastal bird rehabilitation centre – rescue, rehabilitation and release of oiled, injured and ill seabirds
• Oiled wildlife response and preparedness in Africa and sub-Antarctic Sea- and coastal bird research Environmental education and public awareness
• Skills development and training
• Project administration
• Advocacy

Q: How many birds has SANCCOB treated in its 48 years of existence?

A: SANCCOB has treated over 95 000 seabirds since its inception in 1968.

Q: Does SANCCOB work in any other regions besides South Africa?

A: SANCCOB has engaged in oiled wildlife response work in various other areas including Tristan de Cunha (the most remote inhabited island in the world) and further up the coast of Africa, as far north as Nigeria.

Q: How does SANCCOB deal with birds that have succumbed to oil pollution?

A: All birds are evaluated by the veterinary team and put on specific feeding, fluid and treatment courses. The birds are evaluated in terms of their condition, weight, feather condition and blood results and move through the rehabilitation process until they are deemed suitable for release.

Q: Does SANCCOB treat seabirds for other ailments besides those affected by oil spills?

A: SANCCOB admits, treats and rehabilitates seabirds for a variety of reasons. Penguins and other seabirds abandoned as either chicks or eggs or found outside the safety of protected colony areas are admitted to SANCCOB for hand-rearing.

Other seabirds that are injured, ill or weak are also brought to SANCCOB for treatment and rehabilitation, cared for at SANCCOB until they are healthy and physically ready to be released back into the wild.


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