
Talking Trailers

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There are a few things that are assured in life, but one of them is, when you least expect it, your trailer lights are going to pack up. Frustratingly, this usually occurs seconds before you are about to pull out of your driveway for a leisurely day of recreational fishing or wakeboarding.

If your trailer is a couple of years old, the onset of corrosion might well have degraded the wiring within the trailer, causing a break in current coming from the car to the trailer. When your trailer starts showing its age through lights that are not working, it’s time to replace the wiring harness. Let’s get started, there’s no better time like the present.

Select the correct harness

The easiest way to replace the harness on your trailer is to take photographs of it, and show the images to the marine or trailer dealer. By doing this, there is no way
of purchasing the incorrect harness. Have the dimensions of your trailer handy to ensure that you purchase sufficient wire lengths to reach the trailer lights with ease.

Alternatively, give the marine dealer the model of your particular trailer or take the trailer with you so the dealer can physically check the wiring loom and give you the
correct replacement parts. If you have a wiring diagram for your trailer, take that with you when you purchase the new wiring loom.

Running the wires

Now that you have the new harness, disconnect the trailer lights and remove the old harness. If you are at all unsure which wire goes where, take photographs for easy reference and review at a later stage. The easiest way to get the new wires in place is to attach them to the old wires and pull them through. Run the new wiring harness in exactly the same way as the old wires were laid out.


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