
Behind the scenes in boat sales

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Behind the scenes in boat sales

Never judge a book by its cover they say! And it’s true! There’s so much more behind that tan and the friendly wide smile of a boat salesman than meets the eye! Outwardly it may seem that they spend all their time relaxing on gorgeous boats on the water with the sun on their faces – and while this certainly does apply at times – it’s usually over weekends and out of work hours.

From the outside, the job description looks scintillating. It seems the case of hardly working rather than working hard. Fooled by an eyeful of beautiful craft, you’d imagine it’s all play and no work; but a closer look behind the scenes and you’ll find a hive of very serious activity going on – designed to take the work out of your leisure time.

Working in boating may be hard work but it is certainly rewarding and selling “big” boats is something of an art, according to sales consultant Greg Alice of Boating World. And he would know having spent many hours learning the ropes from the best – Derrick Levy – master salesman and industry stalwart who has a string of business and national watersport achievements to his name.

One word, “perfect” is Derrick’s motto and he expects no less from his staff when it comes to putting customers first – and Greg has quickly caught on to how to turn hopes into reality – successfully matching clients with their dream boats. “Clients are often under the mistaken belief that their perfect purchase is just waiting for them to turn up – but usually it takes time, patience and skill to find the vessel that meets the budget, suits their needs and is the type of craft that Boating World is happy to represent and backup once the sale has been completed”, Greg says.

Sourcing the ideal outfit is the biggest challenge in South Africa, especially as discerning buyers want quality, luxury and performance all wrapped in one – suitable for our rugged coastline and unpredictable weather conditions. Hours are spent on the phone with manufacturers locally and abroad or with existing owners looking to sell while often networking with business associates.

Derrick has used his years of experience and considerable expertise to source the best options overseas. “That’s why I have complete confidence in our Australian Riviera Sports Yachts and London-manufactured Fairline cruisers which have successfully stood the test of time and more than lived up to expectation…


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