
GBBAC: Junior Inshore Classic

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What started off as a small “WhatsApp” group within the GBBAC league anglers, quickly morphed into an unforgettable Junior Inshore Classic fishing competition that took place on Sunday 19 July. With the entry forms received, sponsorships in place, boats fuelled and skippers at the ready, the scene was set for an impressive day of fishing for the juniors. As the 25 junior entrants, their parents and skippers all waited with bated breath for the weather call, it was unfortunately not to be, and the Saturday event was called off.

Shortly after 6 am on the Sunday morning, the call was received that the competition was on, much to the delight of all the entrants who were chomping at the bit to get their lines in the water. The harbour was alive with the feverish chatter of children, with laughter and excitement permeating the cold morning. At 7.30 am the young anglers were allocated to their boats which were made up of Skipjack, Pisces, Bad Romance and Magoofter. The vessels set off on their journey, making contact with two additional boats, Bateleur and Red Eye, which had set out from Simon’s Town after which the waters were silenced as the Blessing of the Fleet took place.

The first casualty call from the fleet came at 9 am with the request of a new shirt for Morné (one of the competition entrants), followed by a request to one of the mothers at 9:11 am for permission to medicate for seasickness. All in all, there were no “real casualties” to speak of and a good time was had by all, particularly the young anglers. What enthusiasm and spirit they showed out on the water. At 11 am the weigh master reported for duty in anticipation of the fleet’s return. The junior anglers were the beneficiaries of wonderful jackets supplied by the Gordon’s Bay Boat Angling Club and headgear from Furuno. Lines up was called at 1 pm and the fires were lit for the wonderful braai that was to take place on the return of the boats and anglers.


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