
Make Your Marine Motor Last Forever

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I’m not going to get into how long forever is but I can safely say that waiting for my wife in a hot car outside the local shopping mall while she “pops in” for a few groceries is damn close to an eternity… and an eternity is bosom buddies with forever.

Given that I have these generous amounts of free time to peruse parking lot appointments and cavort with the conversational car guards, it struck me like a meteor hurtling from a distant galaxy that I should spend this eternal free time jotting down ideas for articles for Leisure Boating magazine. That got me thinking about boat motors.

So, can a boat’s motor last forever? Probably not, but you can certainly extend its lifespan by following the suggestions set out below.

It’s not rocket science, or information that I traded with extraterrestrial sources in exchange for handing over my mother in-law for biological experimentation. But, the information contained in this article will “get your motor running” as the hit song of the 1970s, Born to be Wild by The Cult suggested.

Talking of cults, I have a sneaky suspicion my wife is part of a cult which meets at the local shopping mall on busy weekends and plots against rising butter lettuce and gluten-free pizza base prices.

Okay, let me not digress too deeply into the murky underworld of the shopping elite, where a Woolies club card grants you access to a plethora of perfectly packaged products, where Food Lovers Market discounts give you a fruity edge and Pick ’n Pay offers aisles of premium priced purchases, let’s get back to making your marine motor last a lifetime.

How long should a marine motor last

There are a lot of variables to take into account to improve the lifespan of your marine motor but determining the lifespan to your motor with any degree of accuracy is impossible.

Simply, a marine motor will last as long as it takes your wife to “pop in” to the supermarket, sometimes even shorter.


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