Boating Tips

Boating Tips: Better Boating with Children

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All children love a challenge as much as they love an adventure. Involving your children in your boating activities will not only teach them the necessary safety aspects that go with boating, but it will also teach them responsibility and generate a healthy respect for the sea, lakes, dams and rivers at a young age. Kids, more than anything, enjoy being included and learning new life skills that will always stand them in good stead.

Explain the safety aspects of boating

The first thing to do with children is to teach them the safety basics. A personal flotation device is imperative when boating and children should be taught from a young age the importance of wearing one. Teach them the correct hand signals when they are in trouble in the water and make sure the PFD fits snugly and can’t slip off. Babies that are too young to be fitted with a PFD should not be taken on boats. Attach a safety whistle to the lifejacket and teach the children to use it if they get into problems on the water. Start out by imparting the importance of safety to your children and it won’t take long for safety to become second nature to them.


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