Big Game Fishing

Big Game Fishing: 5 Top Tips To Catch More Gamefish

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Troll with the sea

The swells provide a free ride for gamefish that travel long distances and use up a lot of energy doing so.

Wherever you are fishing, there will be a dominant swell direction. Maximizing your time fishing while travelling in the same direction of the swell will improve catches.

Trolling with the sea usually produces twice as many bites.

Stay with the bait

If you manage to find a bait school but you’re not catching anything, do not make the mistake of moving on to find better hunting grounds. Stick to your current bait school, because finding another one is not very easy.

Remember, the open ocean has large patches that are devoid of fish. Rather vary your fishing methods than moving on.

Learn about birds

Birds are always an excellent indicator that bait fish are around.


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